aftaabe wilayat

Debate Between Hurrah and Hajjaaj

Hajjaaj Ibn Yusuf, a tyrant and blood-sucking butcher, was the representative of Abdul Malik b. Marwaan (the fifth caliph of…

6 months ago

Al-Asharah Al-Mubashsharah: A Fabricated Tradition

Among the well-known and famous Sunni traditions is the tradition of Asharah-e-Mubashsharah. In Arabic Asharah means ten and Mubashsharah implies…

6 months ago

When Allah the All-Knowing closed the door on Abu Bakr

For some Muslims, guidance means to spread lies, misinformation and creating differences within the community. One of their attempts is…

6 months ago

Is Abu Bakr worthy of caliphate because he led the prayers? Ibne Taymiyyah’s view

Muslims believe they have some ‘strong’ proofs why Abu Bakr was worthy of being the caliph after the Holy Prophet…

6 months ago

Analysis of the‘Tradition of Light’ (Hadis-e-Nur)

Hadis-e-Nur i.e. the ‘Tradition of Light’ has been recorded and chronicled extensively and consecutively, with minor variations, by both Sunni…

6 months ago

Amr-e-Aas’s poetry onAmeerul Momineen’s (a.s.) virtues

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) had been regularly announcing the successorship and leadership of Ameerul Momineen Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.)…

6 months ago

Caliphate is nothing but Succession of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)

Qualifications of the Position If there exists a vacancy for a post in any college or university, then it is…

6 months ago

Meaning of Mawla in Hadith al-Ghadeer: A Literary Viewpoint – Part 4

Wilayat in Hadith-e-Ghadeer from the viewpoint of poets and litterateurs is an ongoing topic from the previous editions and we…

1 year ago