
Why Ghadeer must be remembered

A lot of Muslims say – It is useless to debate who is the deserving successor of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.a.)…

6 months ago

Meaning of Mawla in Hadith al-Ghadeer: A Literary Viewpoint – Part 4

Wilayat in Hadith-e-Ghadeer from the viewpoint of poets and litterateurs is an ongoing topic from the previous editions and we…

1 year ago

The Grave Consequences of Rejecting the Event of Ghadeer – Part II

Contd from part I ...... Return of Idol-Worship in Islam The famous historian from India, Sayed Amir Ali writes, ‘The…

5 years ago

The Grave Consequences of Rejecting the Event of Ghadeer – Part I

It is an enormous obligation of Allah upon us that He sent us in this world as humans. Then He…

5 years ago

Towards Ghadeer

It is an undeniable fact that in the entire history of humanity, right from the early days of Islam till…

5 years ago

Fruit of the Mastership of Ali (a.s.)

“Did I not charge you, O children of Adam, that you should not serve the Satan? Surely he is your open…

5 years ago

Why Ghadeer must be remembered

A lot of Muslims say – It is useless to debate who is the deserving successor of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.a.)…

6 years ago